August 2016 |
Looking at another photo below taken last year (September 2015) with my friend Richard, who looks very good, maintaining an ideal weight that allows him to eat what he wants, when he wants, because his hormones are in balance, you can see that my strategy of extending my fasted state has made a big difference. In fact, last year's photo was taken when I was stuck on a weight loss plateau that I could not get off no matter how much exercise I packed into my daily routine. For instance, in 2014 I hiked and biked more than 5000 kilometers, and in 2015 I completed the equivalent of a walk across Canada by walking on average 13 kilometers a day. Moreover, when last year's photo was taken, I had just finished two months of eating clean and I still was stuck on a plateau.
September 2015 |
It shows in the two photos. In the lower photo, I am wearing an extra large shirt and my belly is protruding. In the photo above, I am wearing a large shirt, one size smaller, and my belly appears to be flatter. Moreover, my torso is smaller.
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My take away message is once again we should not become overly focused on scale weight. It measures the total weight of lean muscle mass, bone, organs, visceral and subcutaneous fat and water, which means that scale weight will not capture any significant changes of body composition when the body weight remains relatively stable. For example, you may lose 10 pounds of body fat while gaining 10 pounds of lean muscle. Over all, this would be a very positive change for your health that would not at all be reflected by your scale weight.
The moral of my story is focus on fat loss, in particular, the fat around your waist. Indeed, waist size is a much better health indicator than body weight or body mass.